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House of Prayer Big Event

Something powerful happens when the body of Christ prays together, and it is happening at First Presbyterian Church of San Antonio. In August we launched our House of Prayer Movement and in the last four months the Lord has blessed us in so many ways. We have heard reports of prayers answered, friendships renewed, hope proclaimed and new connections being made. In both detail and broad brushstrokes, we are seeing the Holy Spirit at work.

The House of Prayer is currently hosting several small gatherings at different locations on Wednesdays. There will be one big House of Prayer Gathering each month in Westminster Hall.  It will be a time for us to pray together, sing together, learn together and spend time together. Come back to this page to find out when our next big gathering will be!

View the January 2018 Big Gathering Lecture – “Seeing God’s Vision—Listening to God’s Voice.”


Grace and Peace,
Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller