Loving Christ. Loving One Another. Loving The City.

Weekday Studies & Groups


Have you ever wondered what life and faith mean?

Now is your chance to explore them both in an open and informal environment with Alpha!

If you’re looking for a judgment-free space to ask hard questions and share your own opinion, there’s a place for you. Alpha is a free 11-week course offered worldwide that provides a safe space, online or in person, to discuss the big questions that we ask about Christianity.

We encourage everyone to consider attending Alpha or thing of a friend, neighbor, or relative they can invite.

Alpha Course Fall 2024

Wednesdays, September 4 – November 13 | 6:00 PM
404 N. Alamo Street, San Antonio, TX 78205

Student Center Building (Entrance at the Corner of 4th Street and Ave. E)

What is Alpha?

Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What’s the purpose of life? What’s next?

History of Alpha

Started in London in 1979 as a brush-up course for rusty churchgoers, the Alpha Course has become a worldwide phenomenon and is now held in 163 countries. It is estimated that more than 13 million people worldwide have attended an Alpha Course.

The Alpha Course comprises 15 sessions held over 11 weeks and is free and open to everyone. No question is out of bounds, and participants are free to say as much or as little as they wish as they make up their own minds about the teachings of Jesus. Spirited discussions often ensue on topics ranging from Who is God? and Why am I here? to Why is there suffering? and Is God a delusion?

Alpha creates a culture of invitation within our church and it is a great front door for people exploring faith.

Visit alpha.org for more information on the Alpha idealogy.