Loving Christ. Loving One Another. Loving The City.

Pastoral Letter to the Congregation

June 24, 2022

A Pastoral Letter from Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller and Pastor Mitchell

Today, the United States Supreme Court overturned the “Roe vs. Wade” decision of 1973. Just as the original decision provoked deep, passionate reactions, so too has this decision. As pastors we recognize that this is a complex issue, and that there are strong and deeply held beliefs on both sides of this debate—even within our congregation. But we, as pastors representing our entire pastoral team, must make a clear declaration of our position. We are pro-life and we are pro “all of life.”

We recognize that overturning Roe vs. Wade in the Supreme Court is not the finish line for the pro-life movement. Legislative victories will not carry the pro-life agenda to God’s ultimate goals. Legislative milestones are significant to celebrate, but we must move our hopes and efforts beyond the marble halls of government authority to harness the power Christ provides through the Church. We must all do what is necessary to cultivate a pro-life culture.

Pro-choice groups have created a well-funded and organized system, aggressive in social media marketing and tireless in their efforts to get women to other states where they can have an abortion. This week another young woman came into our KRL/Any Woman Can clinic seeking an ultrasound as the “proof of pregnancy” required for an abortion. She was preparing to travel to Colorado to have the abortion, funded by a pro-choice group working around the Texas Heartbeat Bill. This happens almost weekly. However, in the KRL she met loving partners and volunteers who want to provide care for the baby and mother, and who will cultivate connection with the father. She and her child now have resources and options she never knew they had.

Pro-choice advocates have re-invented themselves and appear poised for guerilla warfare. We are seeing a well-funded, highly organized, and aggressive ground-game promoting abortion in surprising and sickening ways.  Chemical abortion pills are being promoted beyond description—a toxic choice for women and a deadly prescription for the baby.

The battle is real and our congregation is on the front lines, needing prayer and participation from every covenant partner. Here is the truth: The Church of Jesus Christ has more resources, a better network, more locations, and a better hope than the pro-choice movement. We must organize as a congregation and mobilize the Church in our city. As stated above, we are pro “all of life” and we have the track-record to prove it. With partners like Any Woman Can, Young Lives and One by One, we have engaged more and more deeply in providing networks of support for those in crisis.

Christians have a solid foundation for hope as the historic basis for Christianity is revelation of how God redeems unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. When Mary’s hopes of marriage and social status were dashed by the news of her pregnancy, God did not rely on government action to support His servant. Rather, God shared the recipe for a pro-life culture that would sustain our Savior and that will strengthen Christians for the next leg of our pro-life race, creating a pro-life culture for women, children, fathers, and families.

Luke tells us that Mary moved from struggle to song through Elizabeth’s service, an older woman committed to walk with Mary (Luke 1:26-47). Likewise, Matthew reveals how the commitment of Joseph helped move Mary from the burden of bearing to birthing and raising the King of kings (Matthew 1:18-21). Simply stated, God’s ingredients for a pro-life culture include faith in His revealed purposes, mentors like Elizabeth, father figures like Joseph, and family. Only the Church of Jesus Christ has all the needed ingredients for a sustainable pro-life culture.

The nation will soon be divided by states as we have not seen since the civil war. The Church of Jesus must unite to care for babies, women, fathers, and family. Women who used to be directed to abortion clinics for answers and procedures are turning to other places (like pro-life pregnancy centers) to find help for an unwanted pregnancies. This is a critical opportunity for the Church. Now is God’s time for us to come together to create a pro-life culture.

This is a time for mercy, understanding, and compassion for those considering abortion and even those who have been through it. Every Christian has a role and every church must engage this Divine appointment. What can you do?

1.    All Christians must pray. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against powers of this present darkness. We must “pray at all times in the Spirit, with prayer and supplication.” (Ephesians 6:10-19). Our weapons for war are not of the flesh (2 Corinthians 10:4).

2.    Christians must realize that there are more with us than who are against us (2 Kings 6:16) and that God’s covenant faithfulness that will not forsake us. If God is for us then who can stand against the Church? (Romans 8:31) Now is the time for Christians to get engaged in the KRL, specifically with our pro-life partners like Any Woman Can, Young Lives, One by One, among others. We must compel partner congregation to lean into established networks like Care-Net and lock arms as a net of care to strengthen women, fathers, and families. Walking forward from God’s promised presence we must become the life we want to see.

3.    Every Christian is equipped by grace for the good works Jesus has prepared for us to do (1 Peter 4:10). The Church alone has the gospel of Jesus that fuels faith, women’s groups who have multiple Elizabeths, men’s groups with dozens of Josephs, and the Church who is the family of God.

4.    As pastors, we and our colleagues are committed to orient the hearts of our people to God’s sovereign grace, with patience. All of us need to discern how God has called us and equipped us to engage. To save babies and strengthen families for the next generation the church must truly become Christ’s Church, an assembly of disciples imitating God, walking in love as Christ has loved us and gave Himself for us (Ephesians 5:1-2). Every life matters and every Christian has a role in creating a pro-life culture in the next leg of the pro-life race.

May the Lord Bless you and Keep You; May the Lord make his Face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.


Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller, Senior Pastor

Pastor Mitchell, Associate Pastor