Loving Christ. Loving One Another. Loving The City.

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CAM Showers

Dear brothers and sisters of First Presbyterian Church,

Over the last year, FPC and her members have found generous ways to demonstrate the compassion of Jesus Christ. Even in the midst of a crisis we have exercised our Lord’s calling to love our neighbors and our neighborhood. It is my pleasure to celebrate an example of that generosity.

Dawn White-Fosdick, the CEO and President of Christian Assistance Ministry, has informed us that one of our own members has offered a $25,000 matching grant toward the building of a new shower facility for our homeless neighbors in need. The facility is part of a pilot program called “SHOWER THE PEOPLE WITH LOVE.” It is part of a holistic approach to meet the needs of the homeless population while also working to help them get off the street.

The matching grant will help purchase a large shower unit to continue the program. The showers will provide both a service of hygiene and an opportunity for hospitality—hospitality that then fosters the trust necessary for restorative relationships to flourish. CAM provides a safe, dignified and efficient environment to offer this service. The ministry needs to raise $50,000 for the shower unit and installation.  The anonymous donor has promised a match—dollar for dollar – up to $25,000.

In addition to the support we regularly provide to CAM, our Benevolence Oversight Committee has dedicated $5,000 towards this project on behalf of the church. The committee is inviting you to increase support for this project by making a special gift to help maximize this opportunity for our homeless neighbors. Every dollar you give will be matched (until the goal is reached).

One of our own members is leading the way, demonstrating that we are called both as a family and as individuals to “love our neighbors as ourselves.” Will you join in the effort to bless the people we see each day?

Please prayerfully consider this opportunity. If you would like to contribute, please send a check payable to “First Presbyterian Church”, with “CAM Showers” in the memo line. You may mail your check to:

First Presbyterian Church
c/o Lindsay Selli
404 N Alamo St.
San Antonio, TX 78205

You may also give online at fpcsanantonio.org/give-online with “CAM Showers” in the memo line.


Thank you for the continuing stewardship of the Lord’s gifts as we strive to Love Christ, Love One Another and Love the City.


Grace and Peace,

Bob Fuller
Senior Pastor