
Current Series


Join us for our transformative sermon series, "Created to Dream," where we explore the divine calling to co-create with God through vision and imagination. This series delves into significant biblical narratives, teaching us that dreams are not passive gifts but active callings that inspire us to embrace our God-given creativity. We'll journey through powerful scriptural themes, from the covenantal visions of Abraham, the renewal power in Ezekiel’s valley of dry bones, and the ultimate masterpiece of the New Heaven and New Earth. Each sermon highlights how we are "Created to Dream," encouraging us to transform our God-inspired visions into reality, overflowing with blessings meant to impact our communities. Align with divine dreams, witness the abundance poured out through the Holy Spirit, and let your imagination be nourished and guided by God's living water. Join us to embrace your capacity for holy imagination and envision a future shaped by divine creativity.

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