Worship, Study, Fellowship from FPC

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Watch Our Worship Services & Ministry Events

Worship with us online. Live on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM (Traditional) and 11:00 AM (Modern). Our 9:30 AM Modern and 11:00 AM Traditional services are not streamed, but can be enjoyed in person. Be sure to read through our weekly bulletin and sign our friendship pad to let us know you are here. Generosity is a big part of our worship, and we welcome you to give online if you feel called to do so. 

During the Spring and Fall Semesters, our Pastor's Bible Study is live at 9:30 AM on Thursdays and our KEYS Older Adult Ministry events are live on Fridays at 11:30 AM.


Sign our Friendship PadPastor's Bible StudyKEYS

Traditional Worship

Watch Traditional Service

6:30 PM Ash Wednesday Service

Led by pastors, elders and deacons, and the Sanctuary Choir, this worship service includes hymns, prayer, Scripture and proclamation as we enter together into God’s presence. 

BulletinWatch Past Services

Modern Worship

Watch Modern Service

11:00 AM Sunday Livestream

Led by pastors, members of the community, and a worship team, the modern worship service features new songs, dynamic preaching that connects to everyday life, and compelling stories of how God is moving in our world. 

Bulletin Watch Past Services

Pastor's Bible Study

Watch Pastor's Bible Study

Weekly Livestream on Thursdays at 9:30 AM

Led by Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller, this course consists of a deeper study of church doctrine and the Bible and meets in the Fall and Spring. Includes study guides and contemplative questions.

Watch Past Classes

KEYS Older Adults

Watch KEYS Events

Livestreams on Friday Mornings 11:00AM

Join Pastor Joe Moore and a guest speaker each Friday for an insightful and thought-provoking discussion of life changes that affect older adults.

Watch Past Events