Church Planting


First Presbyterian Church Planting Committee is a team of disciples committed to the advancement of the Church in San Antonio. We strive to empower 30 new church plants in San Antonio by 2030. We do this through fueling and forming church planters, facilitating kingdom advancement, fertilizing church reproduction, and deploying church planters through innovative residency programs. 

We are spiritual brothers and sisters sacrificially participating in church planting. We are spiritual parents championing spiritual children. We are spiritual grandparents supporting and spoiling spiritual grandchildren. We are spiritual leaders shepherding families toward the King and His Kingdom. We leverage influence from the house and homes of First Presbyterian Church for the highest good of the Church in San Antonio and the multiplication of Christ’s disciple-making community through church planting, which happens through Resourcing, Reproducing, and Residency.

Resourcing - apply to be a church plant partner (application coming soon)

Reproducing - collaborate with us for church planting in San Antonio

Residency - apply to be a Church Plant Resident (application coming soon)


Church Planting 



God is alive and active in building His kingdom in San Antonio, and is blessing us with a front row seat!

Here are some highlights from our Church Plant partners in 2023:

  • The Garden church launched in September 2023.
  • ACC Downtown is now two years old and bursting at the seams!
  • Seven families from our Church Plant partners are bringing their children to FPC’s Children’s Learning Center.
  • New church plant partners in 2023: Akouo Church, Garden City Church, Familia Church and Resurrection Church.
  • Jordan Sleed is in a joint pastoral residence with FPC and The Garden.
  • We hosted eight church plant partners in a strategic planning conference, learning to establish a pathway not only to survive, but flourish.
  • Many church plant partners participated in the Zbinden Lecture Series learning from Rev. Sandy Willson.
  • The San Antonio Church Plant Network continues to mature, bringing many nationally known speakers to educate and equip our plant partners.

By God’s grace, we will continue to embrace our role as “spiritual grandparents” to celebrate even the small victories of our multiple church plant partners.


And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.