Resources & Updates

The Gift of Christmas
FPC Ministries
Oct 1, 2024
Loving Christ. Loving One Another.
The “Gift of Christmas” is an opportunity for individuals or groups in our church to share Christ’s love with others by giving clothing, gifts and/or gift cards, and food to families in our community who are in need.
“This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.” - 2 Corinthians 9:12
The “Gift of Christmas” is an opportunity for individuals or groups in our church to share Christ’s love with others by giving clothing, gift s and/or gift cards, and food to families in our community who are in need. Each family is referred to us by the House of Neighborly Service (HNS). Some families are large, with many children, while others are small with just one or two children. All are very appreciative of the gifts and the givers. HNS is a non-profit, multi-service neighborhood center founded in 1917 by Presbyterian missionaries. The center provides a wide range of social, educational, and health-related programs for families in need on San Antonio’s west side. FPC and Women Of The Church (WOC) have actively supported HNS and its families through this mission of the “Gift of Christmas” program for many years. We encourage WOC circles, Sunday school classes, small groups, various church organizations, families, and individuals to share in this effort and include one of these families in your Christmas giving. After receiving your completed family request form, we will match you with a family and provide all of the family information. We will make every effort to match family sizes with your request. If you are unable to adopt a family but still wish to participate, cash donations and gift cards are appreciated. They will be used for a larger family or a family that we cannot match with an FPC covenant partner or group. Donations will also be used to purchase Bibles and devotionals for each family. Your caring outreach and expression of Christian love will make an enormous difference for these brothers and sisters in Christ this Christmas season. Gift of Christmas Family Request Forms and Guidelines are available online on this webpage or at the “GOC” table in the Mauzé Lobby every Sunday morning beginning October 20 through November 3. Please return the completed form no later than November 8. Contact The Gift of Christmas Committee As forms are received, families will be assigned. Each family is screened and referred by the House of Neighborly Service. A form will be sent to you that includes family member names, ages, clothing sizes, and gift requests. Contact information will also be provided so that you can communicate with the family regarding specific needs, delivery information, etc. Please call your family to introduce yourself and determine if there are any special needs and to set up a time and place for delivery of the gifts. It is a good idea to contact the family just before you plan to arrive, as well as a reminder. Delivery of gifts on or before December 22 is requested. Include a wrapped gift with a name tag for each family member listed on the form. You may want to consider providing a Walmart or Target gift card for older children as they often have something very specific in mind. There is no obligation or expectation that you honor every request on the family information sheet. The requests are guidelines from which to choose items for each family member at your discretion. The real gift is your outreach to a family in Christ’s love and grace. The gift of a Bible is always meaningful, and both English or Spanish Bibles will be available for pickup in the Mauze lobby at the GOC table. We also have a devotional and a children’s book for each family. Limited funds are available from WOC and FPC to help with purchases. Please let one of the committee members listed below know if you need access to these funds. When delivering gifts to the family, we recommend that at least two members from your group go together. Please allow time to visit with the family, potentially singing a Christmas carol or joining in a prayer. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. If the parents prefer to give the gifts to their children privately, please respect their wishes. Our goal is to bless their family in the most suitable way for them. If families make requests during your visit, please direct them to HNS. Thank you for opening your hearts to these families during this joyous season celebrating our Savior’s birth. At Christmas, many families in San Antonio struggle to provide essential needs for their children and, as a result, are unable to provide “extras.” Please consider one of these families in your Christmas giving this year. Most families range in size from two to eight. We will do our very best to match you with the size family you request.