Resources & Updates

The Alpha Course: Explore Life's Big Questions

FPC Ministries

Jun 28, 2024

Register for Alpha

We are excited to announce that FPC will be hosting the Alpha course on Wednesdays starting September 4. This 11-week course will run from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, with childcare available upon registration.

Launched in 1977 at Holy Trinity Brompton in the UK, Alpha has spread to over 100 countries and is available in more than 100 languages. Pastor Nicky Gumbel began leading the course in 1991 to share the good news of Jesus Christ with his community.

Alpha is one of the most powerful evangelistic tools today. It offers a safe space for all individuals—regardless of background or beliefs—to connect with others and explore life’s big questions. Whether you're a nonbeliever, unchurched, new believer, or mature believer, Alpha has something valuable to offer.

Each session includes a meal, a video presentation, and small group discussions. The videos share Christian teachings, and guests are invited to express their views freely, with no wrong answers or judgments, as the Holy Spirit moves among us. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite someone to fellowship and explore the Christian faith in a welcoming environment.

We encourage you to pray about whom you might invite to join you for the Alpha course. Flyers with additional information are available in the Mauze Lobby at FPC for you to share with friends, family, or anyone you feel might benefit from this experience.

Please contact Elizabeth Crites if you are interested or have questions: 713-822-0222

Tags  Article, First Press Magazine, Education

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