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PBS: The Pen of the Pastor - Week 6

Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller

Feb 22, 2024

Episode 6:

PBS: Paul wrote to the Philippians from prison (see above), prompted in part by his reception of their latest gift, sent with Epaphroditus (himself a member of the Philippian congregation).

Paul himself also wanted to encourage the Philippians in their faith, and his imprisonment meant he could do that only through a letter. He is above all concerned that the Philippians continue to make progress in their faith (1:25). While there were no doubt conflicts within the congregation (notably that of Euodia and Syntyche, 4:2), the Philippians appear to be a healthy congregation, in contrast to the troubled groups in Corinth and Galatia.

Outline - Episode 6 Questions - Episode 6

Tags  Video, Downloadable, Pastor's Bible Study, Education, History, PBS

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