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PBS: The Mission and Journeys of Paul - Week 8

Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller

Oct 26, 2023

Episode 8:


  • The cost of the gospel (rather than the King’s command) is the starting point for sustainable and fruitful mission. Mission begins with God’s work before our own.
  • The cost for unity (rather than the cost of unity) is strength for sustainable and fruitful mission.
  • The cost for contextualization (rather than seeking accommodation) is necessary for sustainable and fruitful mission.
  • The cost of sharing how Jesus has transformed our lives (rather than boasting of self-righteous achievements) is catalytic for sustainable and fruitful mission.
  • The cost of courage (rather than living cowardly) will lead to capture or killing.

Outline - Episode 8 

Tags  Video, Downloadable, Pastor's Bible Study, Education, History, PBS

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