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PBS: Holy Heresies - Week 5
Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller
Feb 19, 2025
Episode 5:
Holy Heresy 2 (Part 2): Scripture Alone (Sola Scriptura)
God’s Gracious Communication
All the wisdom we possess, that is to say true and sound wisdom, consists of two things: Knowledge of God and of ourselves.
- John Calvin, The Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1.1.1
- A Word to Timothy: 2 Timothy 3:14-17
- Why Do We Put So Much Stock in the Bible?
- The CONTENT of Scripture
- The AUTHORITY of Scripture
- The RELIABILITY of Scripture
- The CONFIRMATION of Scripture
- Scripture as a Gift from God
- Why Begin with the Bible?
Outline - Episode 5 Questions - Episode 5
Next Week:
Tags Video, Downloadable, Pastor's Bible Study, Education, History, PBS