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Nuaulu Translation Project: Bringing God’s Word to Southern Indonesia
Guest Author
Oct 22, 2020
175 years ago, First Presbyterian Church (FPC) of San Antonio took its first steps in the mission of translating and sharing the gospel. Today, FPC Global Missions continues this legacy through a partnership with Wycliffe Bible Translators, focusing on the Nuaulu people in Southern Indonesia.
For more information or to provide support, please visit Wycliffe Bible Translators.
The Nuaulu people, residing in the lush tropical rainforests of the Maluku province, are one of Indonesia’s most vibrant linguistic communities. Living across eight coastal communities, they sustain their families through farming crops like bananas and cassava, hunting deer and pigs in the rainforest, and fishing the coastal waters.
Despite their rich traditions and strong adherence to traditional religion, the Nuaulu people have recently begun to witness the transformative work of God. However, a deep-seated resistance to external religions and the prevalence of sorcery blame contribute to a culture of distrust. In light of these challenges, the need for Scripture in their native language is more urgent than ever to fully convey the message of Christ and enable the Nuaulu people to share this good news with their communities.
FPC Global Missions, in collaboration with Wycliffe Bible Translators, is excited to embark on a three-year project to translate key New Testament books into the Nuaulu language. The focus will be on completing the translations of Luke, John, 1 Corinthians, Philemon, and 1-3 John. These translations will be published on a Scripture app as they are completed, with the Gospels of Luke and John also available in printed form by the project's end.
Given the Nuaulu culture’s preference for oral communication, the translation team will adopt innovative methods to make God’s Word more accessible and meaningful. This includes the production of hymns and other Scripture-based media in Nuaulu. Additionally, a video will be translated where the Gospel of John is narrated word-for-word with actors portraying the events. The team will also work on the Nuaulu script for the film "JESUS," which is based on the Gospel of Luke.
The influence of this project is already palpable among the Nuaulu. For example, two Nuaulu women preparing to lead a home meeting for their church realized the significance of having Christian resources in their native language. Although they had access to Indonesian materials, they felt more comfortable and effective using Nuaulu resources. The translation team’s creation of a Christmas devotional book in Nuaulu filled them with joy and anticipation for the upcoming Bible materials.
Your prayers and support are crucial in helping the Nuaulu people gain access to God’s Word in their heart language. Join us in this transformative journey by contributing to the Nuaulu Translation Project. Together, we can make a lasting impact and bring the message of Christ to a community eager to embrace it.
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