Resources & Updates

Literature Circle 2024-2025
Literature Circle
Jul 16, 2024
Join Our Literature Circle: A Monthly Dive into Great Books!
Looking for a community of book lovers? Our Literature Circle (Circle 13) meets from September through May, gathering on the second Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM in the McCullough Room. Men and women of all faiths are welcome and invited to attend!
We kick off each meeting with a half-hour coffee social, perfect for mingling with fellow members and guests. Following the social, we'll dive into a review of that month’s book, led by teachers, pastors, authors, and church staff.
Come join us to explore great literature and connect with a wonderful community of readers!
- Grace Clouse, Chair and Ellen Frazier, Publicity
Monthly Reading
We’ve made it easy for you to participate by providing two copies of each book in our church library for you to borrow in advance. Many of the books are very well-known and are available wherever books are sold.
Watch the Book Reviews Online
Can't make a meeting? No worries! Our monthly reviews are videotaped and posted here on the Literature Circle Resource page shortly after each session.
Watch Past Literature Reviews on YouTube
"I love books. I adore everything about them. I love the feel of the pages on my fingertips. They are light enough to carry, yet so heavy with worlds and ideas. I love the sound of the pages flicking against my fingers. Print against fingerprints. Books make people quiet, yet they are so loud." - Author Nnedi Okorator
Tags Video, Downloadable, Education, Literature Circle