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Diving into God's Friendship: Making Waves at 2024 Scuba VBS
Rebecca Sweet
Jul 1, 2024
We had an amazing time this year at the 2024 Scuba VBS as we dove into building our friendship with God! Here are some key lessons we learned:
- God is a real friend, as we explored through the life of Elijah. We understood that God is real even if we can't see or hear Him.
- God is a loving friend, as we experienced through the story of Jonah being inside the belly of a fish. We learned that God has mercy on everyone.
- God is a trustworthy friend, as we saw when Jesus calmed a storm at sea with His disciples. We realized we can trust God, even in life's struggles.
- God is an eternal friend, as we discovered through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, which paid the price for all the world's sins. This taught us that we can have a forever friendship with God.
- God is a friend for everyone, as we learned from Lydia's discovery of the good news of Jesus. We now know that no one is left out of God's loving friendship.
It was such a fantastic week! We tie-dyed shirts, decorated crosses, had boat races, and made Lydia banners. We also learned about different parts of the world and the essence of being a missionary by hearing from some of our missionary partners. In addition, we enjoyed fun games in recreation and delicious sea-themed snacks.
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The mission focus this year was AWC Centers. The children learned about AWC and even had the opportunity to explore the mobile unit during their mission rotation.
Some of the children took the initiative to fundraise by selling lemonade, making bracelets, and selling water to support this wonderful cause. Additionally, we collected diapers, wipes, and gummy prenatal vitamins.
DRUM ROLL, PLEASE! We raised over $1,100.00. WOO HOO!!!! A big thank you to the fifth graders for keeping track of all the donations. WAY TO GO. PRAISE GOD!
Thank you to everyone who donated their time, energy, and money to such a worthy cause. A special thanks to the many volunteers who made all of this possible. GOD BLESS ALL THE VOLUNTEERS for your sacrificial service to the children of this church and community. You are a HUGE blessing.
Thank you again,
Ms. Rebecca
Tags Article, First Press Magazine, Ministry