Resources & Updates

Celebrations and Prayer Requests from YWAM North Africa

Celebrations and Prayer Requests from YWAM North Africa

FPC Missions

Mar 1, 2024

YWAM North Africa has shared some exciting updates and reasons to give thanks! God is actively working through their ministry, and they invite you to join them in celebrating these milestones and to continue supporting them through prayer:

  1. Training Success: 28 participants have completed training designed for North African leaders who work with kids and youth groups. This program included Bible study training, leading to the formation of many new Bible study groups. Praise God for this fruitful outcome!
  2. Multiplying Disciples: Through two Discipleship Training Schools (DTS) in another North African country, two local students are now preparing to staff another DTS this fall. This is a wonderful example of multiplying disciple-making leadership. Praise the Lord for this incredible growth!
  3. Leadership Conference: Please pray for God's guidance and wisdom as the YWAM North African Leadership team meets at a conference geared towards building synergy and fostering partnerships in the region. May God open the right doors and lead them to fruitful collaborations.

Your prayers and support make a significant difference in this vital ministry. For more information about YWAM North Africa, a valued Global Mission Partner, please contact Lindsay Selli.

Let's continue to lift up YWAM North Africa in prayer, asking God to bless their efforts and expand their impact across the region.

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