Connecting through His Word
We were made for connection.
Welcome to the Women's Community at FPC! There are so many ways to meet other women and share your life with them! No matter how old you are or where you come from, you can find friends here at FPC.
Our Women’s Ministry and Women of the Church are excited for a new year ahead. We want to love Jesus Christ, support one another, and make a difference in our city. We hope you will join us!
Check out our Women's Studies & Groups!
Women gather weekly for prayer and Bible study. Additionally, Women of the Church Groups (WOC Circles) offer monthly gatherings from September through May, fostering fellowship, service, and Bible study.
Women's Bible Studies
Tuesdays | 9:30 AM - 11:45 AM | Covenant Hall Contact: Catherine Miller Join us in Kristi McLelland's 7-session "Gospel on the Ground," a study of the book of Acts. We will unpack the life of the early church and see that the kingdom of God is always on the move, always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for true fulfillment and hope. We'll explore the call of Jesus to His disciples then and to us as His disciples today, learning how God’s Word and transformative grace can sustain us even in the most difficult of times. Women of all ages are welcome, and childcare is available upon request. Six monthly WOC Bible Study Circles meet to delve into the Scriptures, spend time with one another and the Lord, and serve. All women are invited to join these groups. WOC Circles meet from September - May. Meets on the third Monday of each month Meets on the third Tuesday of each month Meets on the third Tuesday of each month Meets on the third Tuesday of each month Meets on the fourth Monday of each month Meets on the third Monday of each month
Circle 1/12
11:30 AM | Geneva Room at FPC (lunch optional)
Contact the Chair: Suzanne ThomasCircle 6
1:30 PM | McCullough Room at FPC
Contact the Chair: Nancy KerrCircle 7
11:30 AM | Members' Homes or at First Presbyterian Church
Contact the Chair: Mary Ellen MauzéCircle 9
10:00 AM | Breakfast Room at FPC
Contact the Chair: Grace ClouseCircle 11
11:30 AM | Members' Homes
Circle 11 ladies also volunteer during the month of February to help with receptions held at FPC after funerals.
Contact the Chair: Jean SwansonCircle 14
12:00 PM | St. Andrew's Room at FPC
Contact the Chair: Karen Carawan
Women's Groups
Dates: Every Tuesday Come join Prayer Ministry in praying for our church, its missions, ministries, leadership, staff and community. We meet every Tuesday, beginning September 10, 2024, from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM in room 228. Contact Becca Price for more information. Tuesdays | 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM | Room 228 | Begins September 10 Contact: Debbie Taylor The Prayer Ministry at FPC is excited to continue the Moms In Prayer International group! This is a wonderful opportunity to praise God and support one another in prayer. In small groups of 2-3, each member will pray a provided scripture over one child and one specific need of that child, as guided by the Holy Spirit. Moms who participate often say it’s their favorite hour of the week! We hope you’ll consider joining us. If you require childcare, you must RSVP using the button below to reserve a spot. Meets on the second Tuesday of the month in the McCullough Room at the church. A time to socialize begins at 1:00 PM and the review begins at 1:30 PM. Books are chosen and reviewed by circle members and guest speakers. Visitors (men and women) are welcome. Please contact Grace Clouse for more information. Meets monthly for fun, fellowship, and Bible study. Childcare is provided! Contact Susan DeKoch for more information. Meets at the church on the third Wednesday of each month to knit and crochet shawls for members who are facing a crisis, challenge, or change—anyone who needs to feel God’s love. If you’ve always wanted to learn to knit or crochet, we will teach you. Please contact Kay Weber or Mary Fruge-Medford for more information. Meets as needed to coordinate receptions following memorial services and cook for special church needs. Please contact Shelley Bass for more info. Provides food for families with new babies, people recovering from surgeries or illness, the Advent Festival, the Children’s Easter Program, VBS hospitality room, etc. Contact Muffin Camp or Mary Anne Smith for information.
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Location: Room 228
Contact: Becca Price