
Renewed Minds, Transformed Lives

Romans 12:1-2

  • Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller
  • February 2, 2025


Next 10: Week 5

The battle for God's Kingdom begins in our hearts and in our minds.  Do we have the courage to take that next step into the land of promise, even when we see the challenges - even when we see our own weaknesses?  Can we still see that God is big enough to conquer the promise land, and big enough to conquer our fear. 

Jesus saw the cross - he saw the risk - and he looked around, and saw the people.  Then he saw the rewards. 

For our sake, he sacrificed his life. 

Be not conformed by this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Give your life as a living sacrifice for what matters most to God. 


Traditional Services

February 2
Renewed Minds, Transformed Lives
February 16
Enjoying Jesus
February 23
New Metrics: Enjoy, Engage, Equip

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