Sharing Life,
Sharpening One Another
We seek accountability, relationships, and opportunities for friends to have fun. Join us regularly at church for worship and Sunday Fellowship or help brainstorm or organize a men’s social gathering: get together to watch a game, go on a run, or any number of events.
Men's Weekly Schedule
Thursdays | 6:45 AM | Paloma Blanca Join the men’s TRIBE community where men sharpen men through the study of God’s Word and sharing life together. Contact Caleb Barber for more information. Thursdays | 7:15 – 8:30 AM | Room 208 (Geneva Room) Men of all ages are invited for weekly Bible study, prayerful support and Christian growth, led by Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller each Thursday morning. After breakfast, a passage of scripture is read and discussed. Each man is invited to share his insights on the truth and relevance of the morning’s passage. Contact Sheila Figueroa for more information at 210-266-0215.