Resources & Updates

PBS: Holy Heresies - Week 2

Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller

Jan 23, 2025


Episode 2:

Holy Heresy 1: Grace Alone (Sola Gratia)

Scripture Focus: Ephesians 1:1-2:10; Philippians 3:4-11

  1. Introduction
  2. Martin Luther's Journey to Understanding Grace
  3. The Historical Context of Luther's Revelation
  4. What is Grace?
  5. God's Genuine Love
  6. God's Unstoppable Power
  7. The Assurance of Sovereign Grace
  8. Application: Living in the Palm of God's Hand
  9. Conclusion

Outline - Episode 2 Questions - Episode 1 & 2


Next Week:

Questions - Episode 3

Tags  Video, Downloadable, Pastor's Bible Study, Education, History, PBS

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