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From Helped to Helper: Chris Parker's Inspiring Journey with the KRL

From Helped to Helper: Chris Parker's Inspiring Journey with the KRL

Guest Author

Jun 18, 2024

Article by Marcus Goodyear | Photos by Alyson Amestoy
Summary of an article from Echoes, The H. E. Butt Foundation Magazine

Chris Parker’s journey from seeking help at the SA Hope Center to working on the frontlines of poverty alleviation is truly inspiring. In 2013, struggling with the complexities of parenting and CPS involvement, Chris found crucial support at the SA Hope Center. Today, he works at the Kingdom Restoration Lab in downtown San Antonio, using his lived experience to assist those in need. His firsthand understanding of issues like lost identity—which surprisingly affects many—shows the importance of grassroots involvement and personal empathy in addressing poverty.

Our community survey indicates a strong desire to tackle issues like mental health, education, and homelessness, but recognizing the nuanced challenges faced by individuals like lost IDs is essential. Chris Parker exemplifies how personal experience can drive effective, compassionate intervention. To read the full article and learn more about Chris’s impactful work, follow the link to the HEB Foundation website.

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