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Church Officer Nominations
Officer Nominating Committee
Dec 19, 2024
2025 Nomination of Church Officers
Elders, Deacons, & Trustees | Class of 2028
The life of the congregation is enriched by the many different kinds of service that members offer. This represents an expression of Paul’s great picture of the church as the body of Christ, with each member contributing to the health of the whole.
(I Corinthians 12)
Congregational leadership is one important area of service in the church. Each year, members of First Presbyterian Church are called by the congregation to exercise a ministry of leadership within the church as Elders, Deacons, and Trustees. These are distinctive leadership roles, calling for particular gifts and commitment.
The offices of Deacon and Elder are part of the rich history of our Judeo-Christian heritage. Please read the scriptures listed below as you seek the leading of the Holy Spirit before completing the nomination form:
• I Timothy 3 • I Timothy 5 • I Peter 5 • Titus 1
The Church Officer Nominating Committee is now seeking names to consider for nomination for service as Elders, Deacons and Trustees. The Committee asks the congregation to suggest the names of persons who have been regular in worship, active in the life of First Presbyterian Church, generous in support of our ministry and faithful in their life and witness to the gospel.
The committee will meet and consider the persons suggested by the congregation together with the members who have served as officers in the past. The committee will exercise its collective judgment in deciding which members to nominate and present to the congregation for election.
The Board of Deacons consists of 51 members who serve staggered three-year terms. Deacons undertake ministries of care and compassion within and beyond the congregation. Some of the responsibilities of this office are to deliver seasonal flowers at Easter and Christmas and to visit the sick and the grieving in hospitals and at home.
The Session is the governing body of the congregation. It currently consists of 24 Elders who serve staggered three-year terms.
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the management of the affairs of the church. Trustees serve staggered three-year terms.
The Session and the Board of Deacons meet in the evening on the second Monday of each month (except July). Elders also serve on one or more church committees throughout most of the year. Elders and Deacons are expected to attend and participate in these meetings. Trustees meet as needed.
The information on this form will be kept confidential and will be used only by the Nominating Committee, which consists of the following individuals:
- Bill Oliver (2025 Chair)
- Bobby Mickler (Session)
- Lynn Thompson (Session)
- Judy Kruger (Diaconate)
- Linda Delano (Women of the Church)
- Charlotte Milner (Adult Education & Discipleship)
- Jim Clouse (KEYS Older Adults Ministry)
- Mike Meadows (FPC Student Ministry)
- David Peeples (At Large)
In the space provided on the back panel, please make your suggestions and explain why the person suggested should be an officer. In considering persons for church office, please consider the person’s service, participation, and giving at FPC, as well as their willingness to serve. It is especially helpful for the committee to be informed about involvement in the life and work of the church, including participation in Sunday School classes as a teacher or student. Also, please be aware that, according to our by-laws, anyone nominated must have been a member of First Presbyterian Church for at least two full years before beginning a term of service as an officer.
Please return the form by Friday, January 24, 2025 by either:
Hand-delivering it to the church office
(“OFFICER NOMINATIONS” mail slot in the second-floor workroom)
Mailing it to:
Officer Nominating Committee
c/o First Presbyterian Church San Antonio
404 North Alamo
San Antonio, Texas 78205-1918
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