Resources & Updates

Blooms of Faith: Honoring Loved Ones with Sanctuary Flowers

Blooms of Faith: Honoring Loved Ones with Sanctuary Flowers

FPC Ministries

May 1, 2024

Dear Covenant Partners of First Presbyterian Church,

Did you know that you have the opportunity to donate Sanctuary flowers for the traditional Sunday service? These donations not only serve as a beautiful tribute to loved ones or special events but also add to the elegance of the Sanctuary. Additionally, they are acknowledged weekly in the bulletin, ensuring that your gesture is recognized and appreciated by the congregation.

To reserve a date for your donation, simply reach out to the flower committee members. Please note that the names for reservations need to be provided a month in advance, so don't miss out on securing your preferred date.

Contact Flower Committee

Furthermore, during the Christmas season, you can purchase poinsettias, and at Easter, lilies, to honor or remember loved ones. Forms for buying these special flowers will be available in the Mauzé Lobby and online prior to each respective season. The names of those being honored or remembered will be included in the bulletin on Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday, signifying their significance to you and the church community.

Your contributions for these seasonal flowers play a vital role in supporting the Sanctuary Flower Committee, enabling them to provide special gifts to the Church.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact any committee member.

Contact Flower Committee

Let's enhance the beauty of the Sanctuary and celebrate the lives and moments dear to our hearts!



The Sanctuary Flower Committee Members

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