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2024 Uganda Trip Report #2

2024 Uganda Trip Report #2

Guest Author

Jun 18, 2024


Day of Play, Prayer, and Praise

We began our day at Operation Uganda in small groups, engaging in activities with the daycare children. We painted faces, played with blocks, read stories, colored, and enjoyed a fun game of musical chairs. It was delightful to watch the children pray before serving them lunch—it was the cutest moment!

After lunch, and once the children had finished school for the day, our team had the opportunity to minister to the Operation Uganda staff. To call this moment of worship, prayer, and veneration life-changing would be an understatement. We wrapped up our day with the traditional afternoon tea, reflecting on the blessings and meaningful connections made.

Stay tuned for more updates and please enjoy the attached photos and video!


Tags  Article, Global Missions

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