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2024 Stewardship Campaign Resources

2024 Stewardship Campaign Resources

FPC Ministries

Jan 1, 2024

Dear FPC Church Family,

What is the GPS of First Presbyterian Church? What is our personal GPS?

This Fall, 2023, as we have looked at the book of 1st Corinthians, our focus has been on various aspects of the Gospel Solution—Paul’s directions to the church at Corinth, encouraging and correcting them, as they found their way as disciples. The Gospel—the good news in Jesus Christ, was their solution—their GPS for the journey.

How are we called as we journey into 2024?

At First Presbyterian Church, we’ve identified three aspects of our Gospel Solution. Our mission is to help people find their way as disciples by:

  • Loving Jesus Christ
  • Loving One Another
  • Loving the City (and beyond)

During this season, we are asking many questions to make sure we are on the right path. Are we fueled by gratitude? Do we acknowledge God’s goodness and generosity to us? Do we encourage one another? Build up one another towards the goals God intends? Who do we help, how, where, and with whom? How do we bring praise to God for all of this?

Our GPS directs us to:

  • Gather We come together to worship God and love and support one another.
  • Prepare We learn and grow through Biblically-relevant teaching.
  • Serve We love the city and the world through sacrificial service & multiplying mission.

May it be so.

In gratitude,

– Your FPC Stewardship & Finance Committee

Watch GPS Sermons





Download the GPS Brochure below.

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