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2024 High School Mission Trip to YPM Report #3

2024 High School Mission Trip to YPM Report #3

Kyle Bowden

Jul 15, 2024

Humble Beginnings and Community Connection

Howdy, friends!

We are ecstatic to report that we had a successful first day working at YPM's University! This morning, we enjoyed a delicious breakfast prepared by the YPM staff and shared fellowship with Wilian and Erly over some fantastic Mexican-style eggs. Afterward, we walked to YPM's campus and began constructing sound-reducing panels to decrease echo in their classrooms. Each student enthusiastically worked at a workstation, cutting wood pieces, gluing and screwing them together, covering the frames with fabric, and inserting insulation. The morning was filled with fun conversations, lots of laughs, and Holy Spirit-filled moments.

After our morning work, we returned to the YPM base for lunch with Wilian and Erly, followed by a traditional Mexican siesta. In the evening, we enjoyed some incredible fried chicken, strolled to the main square of Leona Vicario, and indulged in authentic Mexican popsicles from a local shop. We found a basketball court where locals graciously invited us to play. We spent about an hour with them before returning to the YPM base for another devotional, delving deeper into Micah 6:8. We discussed what it means to walk humbly while serving those around us and shared stories of how people in our lives have encouraged and listened to us.

Thank you again for your prayers and support for our mission trip! It truly means the world to us. Please continue to pray for renewed minds, softened hearts, and excitement for VBS to come. It's a privilege to walk alongside these students in humility and service to one another and this beautiful community.

Vaya con Dios!
The YPM Team

Tags  Article, Global Missions

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