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2024 High School Mission Trip to YPM Report #2

2024 High School Mission Trip to YPM Report #2

Kyle Bowden

Jul 14, 2024

Embracing Humility and Service in the Yucatan

After a delicious breakfast, we drove to Tres Reyes to attend a church service, one of the many churches that Wilian and Erly support. Wilian preached, and although we didn't understand everything, we felt the impact of his words. At the end of the service, Wilian baptized a young girl named Leah. We celebrated with her family and even held our newest little sister. The family gave us parting gifts, including a freshly cut bunch of guava fruit, which we all tried.

After a quick lunch at the YPM base, we spent the rest of the day in Puerto Morelos, enjoying the beach and dining with Wilian and Erly. We ended the night with devotion and reflection time, focusing on Micah 6:8 and the concept of walking humbly. We learned that to "walk humbly," we must first become humble, and we reflected on how we could "grow young" and become more childlike (Matthew 18:1-4; Philippians 2:5-11).

We are eager to begin our work tomorrow and grow from this experience! Thank you again for supporting us in prayer. Please pray for our students as they serve at the YPM institute, and for them to fully understand that to be great, one must become like Jesus, who came not to be served, but to serve and give His life away.

Vaya con Dios,
The YPM Team

Tags  Article, Global Missions

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