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2023 Pastor's Bible Study - Fall

2023 Pastor's Bible Study - Fall

Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller

Sep 6, 2023

Pastor’s Bible Study Fall 2023

PBS Topic:  The mission and journeys of Paul

  • September 6/7 - From Saul to Paul (6:8-13:3)
  • September 13/14 - The Witness in Cyprus and Southern Galatia (13:1–14:28)
  • September 20/21 - The Jerusalem Council (15:1–35)
  • September 27/28 - The Witness in Greece I: Macedonia and Philippi (15:36–16:40)
  • October 4/5 - The Witness in Greece II: Thessalonica, Berea, Athens (17:1-34)
  • October 11/12 - The Witness in Corinth (18:1–28)
  • October 18/19 - The Witness to the Ephesians (19:1-21:16)
  • October 25/26 - The Arrest in Jerusalem (21:17–23:35)
  • November 1/2 - The Witness in Caesarea (24:1–26:32)
  • November 15/16 - When in Rome… (28:11-31)

Course Outline

Tags  Article, Downloadable, Pastor's Bible Study, Education, History

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