Baptism and The Lord's Supper


We believe baptism and the Lord’s Supper to be sacraments, instituted by God and commanded by Christ. Sacraments are signs of the real presence and power of Christ in the Church, symbols of God’s action. Through the sacraments, God seals believers in redemption, renews their identity as the people of God, and marks them for service.

The early Church, following Jesus, took three primary material elements of life—water, bread, and wine—to become basic symbols of offering life to God, as Jesus had offered His life. Being washed with the water of baptism, Christians received new life in Christ and presented their bodies to be living sacrifices to God. Eating bread and drinking wine, they received the sustaining presence of Christ, remembered God’s covenant promise, and pledged their obedience anew.




First Presbyterian recognizes all baptisms with water administered by other Christian churches in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is received only once; however, there are many times in worship when believers acknowledge the grace of God continually at work. As they participate in the celebration of another’s baptism, as they experience the sustaining nurture of the Lord’s Supper, and as they reaffirm the commitments made at baptism, they confess their ongoing need of God’s grace and pledge anew their obedience to God’s covenant in Christ.

  • Individuals may request that a particular pastor officiate at a baptism. We require that there be instruction received before a baptism takes place.
  • To schedule a baptism, or for more information about infant, child, or adult baptisms, contact Heather Beltrame at 210-266-0215, ext 221.



The Lord’s Supper

When is the Lord’s Supper Celebrated at FPC?

The Lord’s Supper is celebrated at all worship services the first Sunday of each month, as well as special services on Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. Typically, First Pres offers a communion worship service on Christmas Eve as well.

World Communion Sunday is the first Sunday of October each year. On this day, the Lord’s Supper is celebrated in all worship services at First Presbyterian Church San Antonio and around the world.


Milestone Events

We believe Weddings and Funerals to be sacraments or signs of the real presence and power of Christ in the Church, put in place by God and commanded by Christ. Through the sacraments, God seals believers in redemption, renews their identity as the people of God, nourished by God through the church, and sustained by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Please contact us to help you arrange your special event at First Presbyterian Church
